New Residents

Here is some information that new residents might find helpful.

Village Office Hours are Tuesday – Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm / 2nd Wed of the month 3:00pm – 7:00pm

Located at 127 Main Street

Phone: 306-699-7279

Fax: 306-699-2347

Water/Sewer Billing

Option 1: Quarterly (4 times per year January, April, July, October) $201.00 plus $75.00 infrastructure fee = $276.00

Option 2: Annual (1 per year February) $ 804.00/Year, receive 5% discount if paid within 30 days plus $300.00 infrastructure fee = $1104.00(no discount on infrastructure fee)

A Utility Service application must be submitted to the Village Office when you move into McLean cost is $ 50.00


Garbage pickup is every second Friday

Recycle Pickups are every second Tuesday

For more information on garbage and recycling please refer to the Garbage and Recycling Tab

For more info on transfer station please refer to the Transfer Station Tab